
Pimp Your bootScore

pimp your bootScore Logo

Link­ing Boot­strap and Word­Press to get a respon­sive design is the task of bootScore, a WP-theme bring­ing along what the web design­er actu­al­ly does not want to pro­gram her­self. Instead, she can now rely on an MIT-licensed pre­lim­i­nary work host­ed on GitHub. But its ‘stan­dard out­fit’ still must be per­son­al­ized, ‘pimped’ — by the work of a Web Design­er? The theme is adapt­ed — so bootScore — by mod­i­fy­ing its “[…] .scss, .php, and .js files”. So you can pimp your bootScore eas­i­ly. Here are my 13 steps from a pure bootScore to my per­son­al ‘home­page’:

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As a start­ing point, I had (already)

  • installed Word­Press1,
  • entered (test) data2,
  • installed bootScore, and acti­vat­ed it as my theme3.

Even­tu­al­ly, this results in a way

bootScore + Landing Page bootScore + Landing Page bootScore + Landing Page :

  1. Font Awe­some — one sym­bol says more than 100 words: Short­Codes and CSS class­es
  2. SEO from the begin­ning: HTML seman­tics, key­words, and sitemaps, and no dead links, please.
  3. The ‘(un)important’ at the bot­tom: The dis­creet and com­pre­hen­sive foot­er area for the ‘sub­or­di­nat­ed’ legal stuff, the sub­or­di­nat­ed sec­ondary menu, and the cus­tom copy­right line.
  4. Think­ing mul­ti­lin­gual­ism: bilin­gual­ism with­out WP globe
  5. For clar­i­ty: the deep­er branched menu with inte­grat­ed short­codes, clean lay­ers, and read­able stack­ing, which nev­er­the­less has to be no H‑OVER menu.
  6. Don’t fid­dle, auto­mate: The built-in hyphen­ation
  7. A pic­ture says more than 1000 words, for exam­ple,
  8. Eas­ing the find­ing: TAG clouds and post lists in the side­bar
  9. The walled overview: The Mason­ry Con­tri­bu­tion List.
  10. First things first: a ded­i­cat­ed land­ing pageself-designed — and then get rid of what’s dis­tract­ing, use con­text-sen­si­tive side­bars and more dis­creet ref­er­ences to recent posts.
  11. Read­abil­i­ty: bootScore and the cus­tom gen­er­al font and the font for spe­cial occa­sions
  12. The law must remain the law con­cern­ing data pro­tec­tion, a prop­er cook­ie dia­log, and cook­ie man­age­ment.
  13. First impres­sion: the user-ori­ent­ed col­or con­cept (

By fol­low­ing these steps, a bootScore-based web­site in respon­sive design is cre­at­ed, that doc­u­ments the way to it in itself. So that I can also lookup in the future, how I have done it in the past. If this also ben­e­fits oth­ers, that would be a wel­come side effect.

  1. instruc­tions on how to do this are aplen­ty, includ­ing one from Word­Press itself. []
  2. e.g. with those of the site to be migrat­ed or the Theme Unit Test []
  3. e.g. accord­ing to bootScore instruc­tions []

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