That I would have to give up YAML-CSS had quickly become clear to me at the beginning of the year. What I should replace it with, not. I wanted to stay with WordPress. And to recycle my old content. So, all I had to do was to replace my old theme. Theoretically. Eventually, I ended up migrating to bootScore:
In the beginning, I found a lot of alternative themes, often commercial, often without reference to the CSS/JS (open source) software used. But for me, it should be FOSS after all — e.g. bootScore, a truly open framework.
bootScore delivers the missing link between bootstrap and your WordPress based site: a Bootstrap based theme. The theme itself is openly developed in a bootScore GitHub repository, is distributed under the terms of the MIT license, can be ‘pimped’ by specific bootScore WordPress plugins, and offers step-by-step documentation. It claims to be 100% GPDR ready and offers complete WooCommerce support in its WooCommerce oriented child theme. To cut the long story short: Whoever wants to convert his site to bootstrap should give bootScore a chance for saving work and time.
But there is also a downside:
- bootScore explicitly says, that “all settings can only be made by using the .scss, .php and .js files”. That implies that you have to develop your own child theme if you want to modify the behavior and the design of your bootScore-based site. bootScore has prepared a respective child-theme template and the installation guide let you ‘automatically’ create such a child theme.
- bootScore strictly follows the philosophy of bootstrap, which has been developed by Twitter. Thus, both follow the principle of mobile-first: the design is first developed for gadgets with small screens and later on transferred to desktop computers. So, the power of the ‘weakest’ device determines the behavior of the ‘strongest’.
So, both — bootScore and bootstrap — have a reasonable philosophy. We don’t have to like them, but we should respect them: Both do work that — if they didn’t exist — we would have to do ourselves. But they require us to customize our instance on the code level.
Nevertheless, I will probably become — with a deep bow — a little heretic. Sometimes I just want more. Starting from a pure bootScore theme — I want to create a fancy site that makes even my wife smile. I want to keep the goodness of bootScore and Bootstrap without sacrificing anything special.
And I eventually want to be able to remember over some small posts how I will have implemented it. I want to collect the descriptive snippets so that they can be of use to others last.
And we start here with the pure bootScore theme applied to the old contents of If you want, you can compare this via the WayBackMachine for the old ‘’
And how does this …
… support our migration to bootScore? Well, if a web designer must abandon her current WordPress theme, she needs a replacement. A free ‘off-the-shelf’ theme, she probably wants to personalize. First a bit cosmetically, then in terms of the gray value of her pages, multilingualism and internal reference techniques and linking. Finally, she perhaps enables special footers, a secondary menu or a copyright notice before checking the SEO features of the selected theme. This is a way that this post supports too.