My Expired FOSS Projects

I like the spir­it of Open Source Soft­ware and the mind­set to gen­er­ate it col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly. So, I am a mem­ber of the  Open Source Ini­tia­tive and a Fel­low of the Free Soft­ware Foun­da­tion Europe. Also in the past, I’ve devel­oped a lot of Open Source soft­ware. Some of them have lost their pur­pose today. Here is a list and some hints of my expired FOSS projects — because one nev­er knows when they have to be revived to solve cur­rent chal­lenges:

GIGGnome Instal­la­tion Guide
gtgtGNU Tem­plate Gen­er­a­tion Tools
lgspLit­tle GNU Site Pre­par­er
mrpro­jextMrProj(ect) Ext(ractor)
myc­srfmind your Clas­si­cal schol­ar research frame­work
mypmpsmy Project Man­age­ment Process Scout
psikedspur­pose sys­tem induced knowl­edge enti­ty deliv­ery sys­tem
yaf4ajnYAF4AJN: Yet Anoth­er Fron­tend­con­troller 4 Ajax Json Net­works
zamlZAML: Zeal­ous­ly Attend Mul­ti­col­umn Lay­out
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