Karsten Reincke

Karsten Reincke

I am a soft­ware devel­op­er with pas­sion. For more than 30 years. I’m on fire for Open-Source soft­ware:

If we share ideas and tech­niques freely, with­out pro­tect­ing our ‘own­er­ship’, we improve our social coex­is­tence. That’s what Open-Source soft­ware, Open-Source licens­ing, and Open-Source license com­pli­ance are all about. And that’s the pur­pose of this site, too.



  • 2003 — 2024: Deutsche Telekom AG
    • 2018 — 2024: Deutsche Telekom AG: Prin­ci­pal Open Source Advi­sor
    • 2015 — 2018: Deutschen Telekom Tech­nik GmbH: Open Source Expert
    • 2010: Cer­ti­fied as Scrum Mas­ter
    • 2006: Cer­ti­fied as Project man­ag­er (PMI)
    • 2003 — 2015: Prod­ucts & Inno­va­tion (for­mer­ly T‑Online Inter­na­tion­al AG): soft­ware devel­op­er, project man­ag­er, and Open-Source expert
  • 1999 — 2003: ICDM GmbH: Soft­ware devel­op­er: Lin­ux & data­bas­es
  • 1998 — 1999: Uni­ver­si­ty Osnabrück: soft­ware devel­op­er: Lin­ux & Ora­cle
  • 1989 — 1998: free soft­ware devel­op­er: ATARI & Lin­ux
  • 1989 — 1998: Stu­di­en
    • Com­ple­men­tary stud­ies in com­pu­ta­tion­al lin­guis­tics and AI
    • First state exam­i­na­tion
    • Stud­ies in Ger­man, lin­guis­tics, phi­los­o­phy, and music
  • 1978: Abitur
  • 01.10.1958


Karsten ReinckeLemp­str. 2035644 Hohenahr / Altenkirchen Ger­many
kreincke@fodina.de ++49 170 927 78 57 ++49 6444 922 85 68
kreincke peerceval@gmail.com karsten.reincke
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