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Pimp Your bootScore

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Link­ing Boot­strap and Word­Press to get a respon­sive design is the task of bootScore, a WP-theme bring­ing along what the web design­er actu­al­ly does not want to pro­gram her­self. Instead, she can now rely on an MIT-licensed pre­lim­i­nary work host­ed on GitHub. But its ‘stan­dard out­fit’ still must be per­son­al­ized, ‘pimped’ — by the work of a Web Design­er? The theme is adapt­ed — so bootScore — by mod­i­fy­ing its “[…] .scss, .php, and .js files”. So you can pimp your bootScore eas­i­ly. Here are my 13 steps from a pure bootScore to my per­son­al ‘home­page’: […]


Customized Colors With bootScore

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As a “pow­er­ful, free Boot­strap starter theme for Word­Press”, bootScore uses the col­or con­cept of Boot­strap by mark­ing up its ele­ments accord­ing­ly. Con­se­quent­ly, each bootScore instance ini­tial­ly starts with the same out­fit. How­ev­er, it also offers tech­niques to mod­i­fy the default design so that a web design­er can define and imple­ment her cus­tomized col­ors in and with bootScore: […]

Compliance Web

Cookies — properly managed by bootScore

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Dis­play­ing an appro­pri­ate cook­ie dia­log is one thing. Giv­ing it a real mean­ing is anoth­er. Because ask­ing per­mis­sion alone is not enough. We also need to eval­u­ate the respons­es: We must only store those cook­ies on our read­er’s com­put­ers they — or the law — have con­sent­ed to. A JavaScript func­tion that imple­ments this require­ment sets the seman­tics of the cook­ie dia­log. Based on such a func­tion, we use prop­er­ly man­aged cook­ies. […]

Compliance Web

Cookies — properly used in bootScore

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With­out per­mis­sion, we may not write cook­ies to the hard disk of our read­er. Because it belongs to her, not to us. By access­ing our site, she has already implic­it­ly giv­en her con­sent to store our tech­ni­cal­ly nec­es­sary cook­ies. Because they are tech­ni­cal­ly nec­es­sary to read our post. But she must explic­it­ly per­mit us to save the oth­er cook­ies on her com­put­er before we are going to do so. More­over, we must have enabled her to query what these cook­ies are for before we offer her to answer our request. That’s the mean­ing if we talk about prop­er­ly used cook­ies. […]


My Googlized Writing Style

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Last time it was­n’t hard any­more: With­in two days my post about my ‘reset’ because of lack­ing an ‘inner link­ing’ and about the ‘right way to be crawled and indexed’ had been processed by Google. Like my revised posts, I had designed it in accor­dance with the rec­om­men­da­tions of YOAST that take into account Google’s ‘unspo­ken’ spec­i­fi­ca­tions — as pro­claimed by YOAST. How­ev­er, by fol­low­ing these rules, I had also giv­en in to the styl­is­tic supe­ri­or­i­ty of Google and YOAST: […]


Internal Linking — a Reset

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It’s a while ago, that I wrote about SEO. That should not be a big deal, I thought at that time. In its tem­plates, bootScore thank­ful­ly uses seman­tic HTML tags by default. Thus, it should be suf­fi­cient to sub­mit one’s own sitemap to Google & Co. Enrich­ing the pages them­selves with addi­tion­al key­words should be super­flu­ous. A good pri­ma­ry con­tent would be enough. No need for a sec­ond text behind the actu­al one. That’s the way, I thought. More­over, I saw no rea­son to talk about inter­nal link­ing. Rarely has Google so embar­rass­ing­ly proven me wrong: […]

Javascript Symbol Picture


Using JavaScript Compliantly

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To speed up deliv­er­abil­i­ty, the devel­op­ers most­ly dis­trib­ute com­pressed JavaScript libraries that do not con­tain any white­spaces, line feeds, and com­ments. They have mini­fied the libs. As a result, they usu­al­ly con­tain only very rudi­men­ta­ry license infor­ma­tion — at least not the license text itself. But all FOSS licens­es require us to ship some com­pli­ance arti­facts with the code — espe­cial­ly the license text. This is the chal­lenge for using JavaScript com­pli­ant­ly — in bootScore and else­where: […]

Data Privacy Symbol Picture

Compliance Web

Data Privacy, DSGVO, and Cookies

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Often the web­site oper­a­tor is told, that Data pro­tec­tion is com­plex and has to be orga­nized by experts. But what if she does­n’t have the mon­ey for that? If it seems some­how non­sen­si­cal to shoot at a spar­row blog with the can­non of a paid team of experts? Then — maybe and with the help of Google — she installs some pop­u­lar Word­Press plu­g­ins for data pri­va­cy and DSGVO and/or cook­ies — in the hope that all goes well. Or she inves­ti­gates it in more detail. And in the end, she per­haps gath­ers rules of thumb, from which at least one well-work­able way results. Here are my 3.7 rules of thumb, applied to my own data pri­va­cy file: […]

menu board symbol picture


Extra Fonts for Specific Cases

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boot­strap and bootScore use SCSS vari­ables — as we know. Group­ing fonts is done by vari­ables. And we can define two groups. This is suf­fi­cient if we want to use only two font fam­i­lies. But if we want to use extra fonts — for exam­ple, a spe­cial google font in our menus -, we need to do things dif­fer­ent­ly: […]

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