License Fulfillment

With­out a run­ning legal sys­tem, we have nei­ther Free nor Open-Source Soft­ware. Only if the four rights have suc­cess­ful­ly been grant­ed to us by the respec­tive licens­es, we do have, what we want to have: free acces­si­ble soft­ware. The duty of license ful­fill­ment is the flip side of the coin: For pre­serv­ing these rights, we must thor­ough­ly try to ful­fill the con­di­tions these FLOSS licens­es impose on us. You can’t have the cake and eat it.


By call­ing this site via a brows­er, some Open-Source libraries are auto­mat­i­cal­ly deliv­ered to the brows­er too. There­fore, we are oblig­ed — rough­ly spo­ken — also to deliv­er the cor­re­spond­ing license and to name the copy­right own­er:

By call­ing our site, JavaScript libraries are deliv­ered to your brows­er. Besides its own JavaScript libraries, Word­Press brings and uses — by its own admis­sion — sev­en open-source 3rd—party libraries. bootScore nat­u­ral­ly oper­ates on and with the Boot­strap JavaScript library. We are hap­py to ful­fill the cor­re­spond­ing licens­ing con­di­tions with­in the frame­work of the gen­er­al JavaScript pecu­liar­i­ties:

back­boneMITUsing the ver­sion deliv­ered by Word­Press: Con­tains a respec­tive head­er.
Boot­strapMITUsing the ver­sion deliv­ered by bootScore. Con­ta­ins a respec­ti­ve hea­der.
CodeMir­rorMITUsing the ver­sion deliv­ered by Word­Press: Con­tains a respec­tive head­er.
Crop­perBSD-2-ClauseUsing the ver­sion deliv­ered by Word­Press: Con­tains CR-Line and license text.
Fan­cy BoxGPL‑3.0Inte­grat­ed by the site author. See post about Fan­cy Box­es.
jQueryMITUsing the ver­sion deliv­ered by Word­Press: Con­tains a respec­tive head­er.
swfu­ploadMITUsing the ver­sion deliv­ered by Word­Press: License / CR line bun­dled with the code.
Thick­boxMITUsing the ver­sion deliv­ered by Word­Press: Con­tains a respec­tive head­er.
TinyM­CEGPL‑2.0Using the ver­sion deliv­ered by Word­Press: License bun­dled with the code.


* uses open-source pro­grams in the back­end — like Word­Press and bootScore. We do not share this soft­ware, espe­cial­ly not with our read­ers. Thus, we do not have to pro­vide com­pli­ance arti­facts. Nev­er­the­less, we point out with thanks that we use this free soft­ware. This also applies to the plu­g­ins we use:((In this table, we addi­tion­al­ly mark whether the soft­ware pass­es on data to third par­ties (and would have to be men­tioned in the pri­va­cy doc­u­ment), whether it is active in the pro­duc­tion instance and whether it writes cook­ies to our user’s com­put­er)).

TypeCom­po­nentLicens[e|ing]Data Trans­ferPro­duc­tionCook­ie
PLGAnti­spam BeeGPL‑2.0does­n’t save “user data”activeNO
PLGBet­ter Search ReplaceGPL‑3.0 or lat­erafaik: no data → 3rd. p.inac­tiveNO
PLGBro­ken Link Check­erGPL‑2.0 or lat­erafaik: no data → 3rd. p.inac­tiveNO
PLGbsMa­son­ryMITafaik: no data → 3rd. p.activeNO
PLGCool Tag CloudGPL‑2.0
[← Copy­Left]
afaik: no data → 3rd. p.activeNO
PLGCus­tom Side­barsGPL‑2.0 or lat­erafaik: no data → 3rd. p.activeNO
PLGFoot­notes Made EasyGPL‑2.0 or lat­erafaik: no data → 3rd. p.activeNO
PLGInclude Mas­ton FeedExpat Licenseafaik: no data → 3rd. p.activeNO
PLGRecent Posts Wid­get With Thumb­nailsGPL‑2.0 or lat­erafaik: no data → 3rd. p.activeNO
PLGQuick 301 Redi­rects“com­plete­ly free”, but no licenseafaik: no data → 3rd. p.activeNO
PLGSafe SVGGPL‑2.0 or lat­erafaik: no data → 3rd. p.activeNO
PLGShort­code in MenusGPL‑2.0 or lat­erprob.: no data → 3rd. p.activeNO
PLGSmart Slid­er 3GPL‑3.0 or lat­erafaik: no data → 3rd. p.activeNO
PLGTablePressGPL‑2.0afaik: no data → 3rd. p.activeNO
PLGWord­Press ImporterGPL‑2.0 or lat­erafaik: no data → 3rd. p.activeNO
PLGwp-Typog­ra­phyGPL‑2.0 or lat­erafaik: no data → 3rd. p.activeNO
PLGWP Fastest CacheGPL‑2.0 or lat­erafaik: no data → 3rd. p.activeNON
APPWord­PressGPL2.0 or lat­erafaik: no data → 3rd. p.activeYES, if logged in
PLGYOASTGPL‑3.0afaik: no cloud = no data → 3rd. p.activeNO
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