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fancy curved staircase


Fancy SVGs

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Fan­cy bitmaps are the one thing, scal­able pic­tures the oth­er. Word­Press does not like Scal­able Vec­tor Graph­ics by default: SVGs con­sist of XML code. If loaded, it can — at least in prin­ci­ple — inject mali­cious code into the sys­tem. Using SVGs in tem­plates, how­ev­er, is not pre­vent­ed by Word­Press. On HTML lev­el, they can be embed­ded — as usu­al — in img tags. That’s the way, also bootScore inte­grates the logos into the file header.php. But for the ambi­tious bootScore user, Fan­cy SVGs need more: […]

a gift with a bow


Fancy Boxes for Fancy Images

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Large, promi­nent­ly placed images are eye-catch­ers. Word­Press even has a name for it: Fea­tured Image. The only prob­lem is: Start­ing every post again and again with a ‘fea­tured image’ is tir­ing. Even if our read­er has already decid­ed on an arti­cle, we force her to scroll. It would be bet­ter to give her direct­ly what she wants: the text. Let­ting her decide when she wants to see the big pic­ture by using Fan­cy Box­es is even­tu­al­ly also a mat­ter of read­abil­i­ty: […]

Sliced paprika and the sharp knife


Cut by Cut — Hyphenation & Readability

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The small­er the screen, the greater the risk that long words destroy the read­ing image. With­out hyphen­ation, it becomes chop­py or fizzy on smart­phones. bootScore-based sites use an embed­ded Respon­sive Design. So, an auto­mat­ed hyphen­ation improves read­abil­i­ty and sup­ports bootScore to rearrange the text ele­ments: […]

A staple of read newspaper


Indenting Menu Entries Means Beautifying!

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Deep­er nest­ed menus are dis­played depend­ing on the size of the device. Stacked sub­menus on larg­er screens are more dif­fi­cult to read: Peo­ple stum­ble over what’s under­neath. Indent­ing menu entries is a good way to improve read­abil­i­ty: […]

A sad angel


Really No HOVER Menus For bootScore?

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Actu­al­ly, I want­ed fan­cy menus with an H‑OVER effect. Exact­ly. But after I crawled into the top­ic, I decid­ed against it. Fol­low­ing Ade­nauer’s apho­rism, What do I care about my gos­sip of yes­ter­day! I banned my idea to enable hov­er menus for bootScore by exter­nal tools. Because the view­point of Boot­strap and bootScore is real­ly rea­son­able. […]

A balloon in the air


Clean Menus

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In my ‘pre­vi­ous’ Word­Plus life, I was rather slop­py with my menus. What does that mean? Word­Press knows key­words and cat­e­gories. But what are entries in a deep­er nest­ed menu hav­ing their own sub-entries? They can be regard­ed as cat­e­gories, too — because of their group­ing effect. But they are not what Word­Press means by ‘cat­e­go­ry’. Clean menus deal with them prop­er­ly, with­out mix­ing types and tasks: […]

A staple of chairs


Deeper Nested Menus

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Like Boot­strap, BootScore only knows menus with a depth of 2. Boot­strap because it wants to in prin­ci­ple. BootScore because it fol­lows its base as strict­ly as pos­si­ble. Lev­el 0 entries are list­ed hor­i­zon­tal­ly in the head­er, and the cor­re­spond­ing lev­el 1 entries are list­ed ver­ti­cal­ly below. Thus, the top-lev­el entries group the entries below them. And menus behave the same way on smart­phones and desktops.We want to talk a about deep­er nest­ed menus, here: […]

A shortcut by a hairdresser


Shortcodes in Menus — For A Better Staging

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Main­tain­ing a Word­Press-based site often means work­ing with two instances — one for devel­op­ment and one for pro­duc­tion. Both have their own domain, a spe­cif­ic URL, used to link one site ele­ment to anoth­er. Man­u­al­ly or auto­mat­i­cal­ly. This implies that a web design­er has to replace this URL pre­fix with the oth­er one in all places if she wants to bring test­ed pages into pro­duc­tion. She can trig­ger this replace­ment in dif­fer­ent ways, man­u­al­ly or with a replace­ment plu­g­in. Here, we describe short­codes in menus — anoth­er method that sim­pli­fies such work sig­nif­i­cant­ly. […]

Being fed by oranges

Compliance Web

A Copyright Line As Feeding For Your Footer

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In the Euro­pean legal area, exploita­tion rights inher­ent­ly belong to the author of a work. She does not have to do any­thing else. In the Amer­i­can legal area, things are dif­fer­ent. There, every work falls into the ‘pub­lic domain’ by default. Only when the author active­ly claims her ‘copy­right’, the work belongs to her. Thus, hav­ing in copy­right line in your foot­er could be help­ful for you: […]

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