a treasure trove for free software, techniques, and ideas

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Customized Colors With bootScore


As a “pow­er­ful, free Boot­strap starter theme for Word­Press”, bootScore uses the col­or con­cept of Boot­strap by mark­ing up its ele­ments accord­ing­ly. Con­se­quent­ly, each bootScore instance ini­tial­ly starts with the same out­fit. How­ev­er, it also offers tech­niques to mod­i­fy the default design so that a web design­er can define and imple­ment her cus­tomized col­ors in and with bootScore: […]

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From The Com­mu­ni­ty

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There is a world­wide cel­e­brat­ed Soft­ware Free­dom Day. World­wide cel­e­brat­ed, each third Sat­ur­day in Sep­tem­ber. This year, the SFD falls on Sep­tem­ber 21, 2024. We will point to spe­cif­ic events dur­ing the next months.1

  1. It may sur­prise us a bit that. But there is also an annu­al I Love Free Soft­ware Day in Feb­ru­ary — also pro­mot­ed by FSFE. OK, so we have two days. But the first one is already some­how occu­pied as “Valen­tine’s Day”. So let’s rel­ish­ing­ly focus on the sec­ond in Sep­tem­ber. []

Karsten Reincke

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