LilyPond snippet for harmony analysis: Logo

har­mo­ is a Lily­Pond snip­pet for har­mo­ny analy­sis sym­bols into a score. It can deal with sym­bols of the scale-step-the­o­ry as well as sym­bols of the funk­tion­al har­mo­ny the­o­ry.

Repos­i­to­ry Tuto­r­i­al

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Cadenca Example
Tristan Chord

In the begin­ning, I sim­ply want­ed to find the best way to use ana­lyzed music exam­ples in musi­co­log­i­cal files. On the one side, the bun­dle of LaTeX, MusicTeX und Har­mo­ny offers such an oppor­tu­ni­ty — in gen­er­al. But prac­ti­cal­ly, MusicTeX is too com­pli­cate. It decreas­es pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. On the oth­er side, we can use LaTeX and Lily­Pond eas­i­ly. But they alone do not ful­fill the needs of musi­col­o­gy.

For clos­ing this gap, I decid­ed to devel­op har­mo­ : As a plu­g­in for Lily­Pond files, it should be able to do, what har­mo­ny does for MusicTeX and LaTeX. But for writ­ing the scores, one should be able to use the well-known and sim­ple Lily­Pond lan­guage.

Here you see an exam­ple of what the result can real­ize.

tristan chord example

Download and Usage

  • Clone the GitHub repos­i­to­ry or down­load it as a zip file.
  • For using the library one must only include the file into one’s own Lily­pond file. Exam­ple files show how this is down.
  • Read the tuto­r­i­al that explained the details of using har­mo­ Take a look at doc/tutorial.pdf or use the online ver­sion of the Licenses

Copy­right © 2019 Karsten Reincke, Hans Blum

The library may be used under the terms of the GPLv3 or the MIT. For details take a look at the file LICENSING.

The exam­ples are licensed under the terms of the MIT license, the tuto­r­i­al is dis­trib­uted as CC-BY-SA file.

And in what way is this …

… arti­cle relat­ed to the top­ic ‘Sci­ences’? To write human­i­ties papers (on Lin­ux), you need an appro­pri­ate sci­en­tif­ic LaTeX frame­work. For papers on musi­col­o­gy in par­tic­u­lar, sci­en­tif­ic texts must be expand­ed by music exam­ples — most­ly writ­ten with Lily­Pond and its libraries. That is the top­ic also this post wants to sup­port.

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