
Masonry Archive With 3 Columns: Less Is More!

Cat in a box

A mason­ry list view is nicer. The orig­i­nal mason­ry archive from the bs Loop Tem­plates lists the posts in four columns. Four columns with arti­cle open­ings pro­vide a quick, good overview. And yet: with­out a side­bar, this won’t be a real ‘land­ing page’. After all, we want to be able to present the lat­est news to our read­ers ‘on the side’. For­tu­nate­ly, there is a solu­tion: the Mason­ry Archive with 3 columns:

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  • Go to the repos­i­to­ry bsTop­pings
  • Decide whether you want your overview to work with flat, not styled arti­cle begin­nings, but rather equal-length ‘wall tiles’ (based on the Word­Press func­tion the_excerpt()), or with styled arti­cle begin­nings and more over­lap­ping ‘wall tiles’ (based on the Word­Press func­tion the_content()).
  • Copy the down­loaded file under the name home.php into your child theme.
  • Down­load the bootScore mason­ry-plu­g­in and install it from your Word­Press back­end.


And that’s it. Any­way, almost: If you decid­ed to use the_content() theme, don’t for­get to add the tag <!--more--> to all posts — accord­ing to the mean­ing.

And how does this …

… sup­port our migra­tion to bootScore? Well, when the web design­er has com­plet­ed her work on good illus­tra­tions, she can relax and inte­grate tags and clouds into her site, improve her overview page and design her own land­ing page. Whether the result­ing full­ness real­ly ben­e­fits her own read­er, whether it can become slim­mer and how, whether more dis­creet ref­er­ences and spe­cif­ic fonts also increase the read­abil­i­ty, all this she should nev­er­the­less con­sid­er while imple­ment­ing these fea­tures. This post sup­ports these steps towards a per­son­al­ized bootScore site.

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