
proSci­en­tia.ltx offers a set of con­fig­u­ra­tion- and tem­plate files that allow schol­ars to do human­i­ties research work on the base of LaTeX, BibLa­TeX, Biber, and Jabref. The vis­i­ble result of these tools, the respec­tive con­fig­u­ra­tion files, and con­tent files fol­low the style of (Ger­man) clas­si­cal philol­o­gy, Ger­man stud­ies, and (Ger­man) his­to­ry.

By using this tool, I’ve writ­ten the pro­Sci­en­tia man­i­fest Über hil­fre­iche Anmerkungsap­pa­rate. proScientia.ltx deliv­ers a com­plete set of BibLaTex‑, LaTeX- and Make­files to search for sec­ondary lit­er­a­ture, main­tain the bib­li­o­graph­ic data, write abstracts and excerpts, and write one’s own sci­en­tif­ic work. The out­stand­ing fea­ture of the proScientia.ltx is to man­age quo­ta­tions via foot­notes in accor­dance with the clas­si­cal (Ger­man) philo­log­i­cal stan­dard.1

Repos­i­to­ry On help­ful foot­notes Demo

[ en | de ]



  • a LaTeX dis­tri­b­u­tion with dif­fer­ent packages/programs which should be part of your TeX-Dis­tri­b­u­tion includ­ing BibLa­TeX, Biber, bibla­tex-dw, Koma-Script
  • Besides your pre­ferred LaTeX edi­tor, you need the tools bash and make



  1. Clone the proScientia.ltx repos­i­to­ry via git clone (or down­load and extract the respec­tive tar­ball)
  2. Open a shell, and change into the proScientia.ltx direc­to­ry and
    • Select a project iden­ti­fi­er YOURPRJ that does not con­tain blanks or slash­es
    • exe­cute chmod 755 bin/
    • exe­cute YOURPRJ [de|en]
    • move the cre­at­ed project direc­to­ry to any oth­er work­ing place
  3. change into the cre­at­ed project direc­to­ry
  4. callmaketo ver­i­fy that the sys­tem is run­ning
  5. open and close you JabRef ver­sion once.
  6. call find $HOME -type f | grep jabref | grep customizedBiblatexTypes to deter­mine, where your JabRef con­fig­u­ra­tion files are stored
  7. copy cfg/jabref-prefs.xml to $HOME/.java/.userPrefs/org/jabref/prefs.xml (or wher­ev­er your sys­tems store the gen­er­al JabRef con­fig­u­ra­tions)
  8. copy cfg/jabref-customizedBibLatexTypes-prefs.xml to $HOME/.java/.userPrefs/org/jabref/customizedBiblatexTypes/prefs.xml (or wher­ev­er your sys­tems store the BibLa­tex lit­er­a­ture spec­i­fi­ca­tions)

Do your library work:

  • Change into the cre­at­ed project direc­to­ry
  • Update the file tools/search.tex in accor­dance with your needs.
  • cd tools && make search.pdf
  • Do your library research work as you planned it in tools/search.tex
  • Incor­po­rate the bib­li­o­graph­ic data into bib/lit.main.bib by using jabref or any oth­er text edi­tor
  • In case you eval­u­ate a web doc­u­ment, down­load the PDF files under proofs/BIBTEXKEY.pdf
  • copy extracts/ to extract/
  • read and excerpt the sec­ondary lit­er­a­ture in the respec­tive file

Write your work:

  • Edit/update your frame tex file proScientia.tex
  • Cre­ate your snip­pets by copy­ing snippets/inc.snippet.tex to snippets/inc.YOURCHOICE.tex and edit the files
  • Inte­grate the snip­pets by using the LaTeX com­mand input{snippets/inc.YOURCHOICE.tex}
  • Open a shell and type make proScientia.pdf to cre­ate a human-read­able ver­sion of your sci­en­tif­ic work.

For renam­ing the frame suc­cess­ful­ly, please update the Make­file too. If you want to see how the writ­ing work can be done and how the result looks, read Demo in Eng­lish or the proScientia.ltx man­i­fest. Addi­tion­al­ly, study the respec­tive sources under proScientia.ltx/humanities

proScientia.ltx is dis­trib­uted under the terms of the CC BY 4.0 license. Details are described in the README file.

And in what way is this …

… arti­cle relat­ed to the top­ic ‘Sci­ences’? To write human­i­ties papers (on Lin­ux), you need an appro­pri­ate sci­en­tif­ic LaTeX frame­work. For papers on musi­col­o­gy in par­tic­u­lar, sci­en­tif­ic texts must be expand­ed by music exam­ples — most­ly writ­ten with Lily­Pond and its libraries. That is the top­ic also this post wants to sup­port.

  1. Exam­ples for this kind of doc­u­ment are human­i­tiesDemo in Ger­manDemo in Eng­lish []
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