
A Slimmed-Down Landing Page

Landing Aeroplane

Until now, our slimmed-down land­ing page mylap.php — as a tem­plate linked to the Word­Press page mylap — still shows the list of all posts. But our favorite read­er had ‘pre­scribed’ us that she want­ed to see only the most impor­tant on the ini­tial page. And that at a glance. The most impor­tant thing in a blog is prob­a­bly always the most recent post. Plus maybe the most recent ‘sticky post’, that is, the one that the author marked last so that it should always be shown at the top:

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  • If not already done, pre­pare to use your own land­ing page.
  • If you want to show the absolute last post and the last sticky post on your land­ing page, down­load the tem­plate mylap-sp1rp1.php from bsTop­pings.
  • If you want to show only the absolute last post on your land­ing page, down­load from bsTop­pings the tem­plate mylap-sp0rp1.php.
  • Copy the down­loaded file under the name mylap.php into your child theme.((Yes, it should replace the file with the same name))


To make things eas­i­er for our read­ers, we have pre-designed these land­ing pages and made them avail­able for down­load at bsTop­pings. The only thing you have to do is to change the head­er area with the logos accord­ing to your own wish­es.

And how does this …

… sup­port our migra­tion to bootScore? Well, when the web design­er has com­plet­ed her work on good illus­tra­tions, she can relax and inte­grate tags and clouds into her site, improve her overview page and design her own land­ing page. Whether the result­ing full­ness real­ly ben­e­fits her own read­er, whether it can become slim­mer and how, whether more dis­creet ref­er­ences and spe­cif­ic fonts also increase the read­abil­i­ty, all this she should nev­er­the­less con­sid­er while imple­ment­ing these fea­tures. This post sup­ports these steps towards a per­son­al­ized bootScore site.

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