Survey Of All Posts!

Font Symbol Picture


Suitable Web-Fonts

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Select­ing good fonts is a mat­ter of design, get­ting suit­able web-fonts a mat­ter of knowl­edge. Not only, if we need some for spe­cial cas­es. With bootScore we can incor­po­rate Google Fonts direct­ly. We are even told how to host them local­ly, so we can bypass the notice in the pri­va­cy pol­i­cy. Nev­er­the­less, we have to get a lit­tle involved with Boot­strap as well: […]



Discreet References to Previous Posts

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In bootScore Top­pings, I’ve already offered two slim land­ing pages: mylap-sp1r­p1 and mylap-sp0r­p1. Both show the impor­tant things first: The blog top­ic. And the most recent post. One of them addi­tion­al­ly puts the most recent Sticky Post in front of the oth­er. But if we nev­er­the­less want to show our read­ers the one or oth­er sticky post more, we need a solu­tion for inte­grat­ed dis­creet ref­er­ences to pre­vi­ous posts: […]

Landing Aeroplane


A Slimmed-Down Landing Page

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Until now, our slimmed-down land­ing page mylap.php — as a tem­plate linked to the Word­Press page mylap — still shows the list of all posts. But our favorite read­er had ‘pre­scribed’ us that she want­ed to see only the most impor­tant on the ini­tial page. And that at a glance. The most impor­tant thing in a blog is prob­a­bly always the most recent post. Plus maybe the most recent ‘sticky post’, that is, the one that the author marked last so that it should always be shown at the top: […]

Slim-Down Symbol Picture


Context-Sensitive Sidebars: Stay Lean

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We need side­bars. For this, we have already made room. But we need dif­fer­ent side­bars. Pre­sent­ing the tag cloud makes sense only on the side­bar of the search page. There it can short­en the search in the set of arti­cles. On the oth­er pages, it dis­tracts the read­er. Con­verse­ly, the oth­er pages need a ‘more’ but­ton in the side­bar that leads to the sur­vey page. In oth­er words, we need con­text-sen­si­tive side­bars — anoth­er means to focus: […]



Throw away, what distracts

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My pages are too full, my pre­ferred read­er says: She con­stant­ly gets some­thing to click on anoth­er arti­cle. She under­stands why. I want­ed to entice her to read on. Like a real news por­tal. But my con­tent was not broad enough. I only want to talk about a few core top­ics. So, kill your dar­lings — throw away, what dis­tracts — too much is just too much. […]

apple diet


Your Specific Landing Page With bootScore

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Mean­while, I have imple­ment­ed some fea­tures of bootScore. And I’ve prompt­ly over­loaded my site, as my pre­ferred read­er said. Do I need a spe­cif­ic land­ing page, I asked her back. She answered, that I — as far as she has under­stood — want to flex­i­bly write about sev­er­al dif­fer­ent core top­ics. This would end up in a list­ed mish­mash, of course! Should she her­self pick out what belongs togeth­er? […]

Cat in a box


Masonry Archive With 3 Columns: Less Is More!

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A mason­ry list view is nicer. The orig­i­nal mason­ry archive from the bs Loop Tem­plates lists the posts in four columns. Four columns with arti­cle open­ings pro­vide a quick, good overview. And yet: with­out a side­bar, this won’t be a real ‘land­ing page’. After all, we want to be able to present the lat­est news to our read­ers ‘on the side’. For­tu­nate­ly, there is a solu­tion: the Mason­ry Archive with 3 columns: […]

wall masonry picture


A ‘Masonry’ As A Better Lookout

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After hav­ing exhaust­ed the images issue, it’s time to beau­ti­fy the list of posts. Up to now we only know the form that bootScore’s index.php gen­er­ates: a list of stripes, one for each arti­cle, the respec­tive Fea­tured Image in the left half, and in the right half the first lines of the arti­cle. How bor­ing. But bootScore also offers a nicer way: a mason­ry as a bet­ter look­out: […]

Chili for sharpening pictures and other elements


bootScore Without Blurred ‘Featured Images’

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I have already dis­cussed bootScores blurred images. The prob­lem was easy: In coop­er­a­tion with Word­Press, bootScore embeds images of size ‘medi­um’ in the post lists. And that even on large screens, where the browsers have to fill much more space than the images could do by them­selves. Con­se­quent­ly, the browsers upsize the images that are too small — and blur them. Or, put anoth­er way: bootScore offers an excel­lent ‘Respon­sive Design’ when it comes to the texts. When it comes to the images, not (yet). Here, we offer a way towards bootScore with­out blurred Fea­tured Images — with the help of HTML‑5: […]

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